
Dear Parents (& would be parents),

  1. आप अपने बच्चों को खुल के सोचना कैसे सिखाओगे जो आपको ही नहीं आता होगा? #SelfExploration
  2. How Would You Teach Your Children To Think Freely When You Yourself Don't Know How To?
  3. How Would You Plan To Show Them The Alternate Reality That You've Not Seen?
  4. How Would You Teach Your Kids To Learn How To Learn..??

I think these are very difficult questions because every child is a pure soul. But these are very necessary questions to be asked because it's our responsibility, right?

Empathy, Curiosity, Self Discipline & Self Reflection are common missing human traits, right?

I am advocating for self exploration, self discipline and keeping your word because i see these as missing elements of the modern society.

Are you looking forward to start a self exploration journey?

OR you've been thinking of helping someone go on a self exploration journey?

It’s about human connection. To raise free thinkers, we must first challenge our own thinking. This tool probably helps you reflect on your patterns and break limiting beliefs.

This simple 30-page journal is designed to help you reflect on your patterns, challenge your own assumptions, and lead by example

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