Table of Content: Sub-courses

1. Introduction to Python Projects

Lesson Duration
Tips for success β€”
How to find and choose project ideas
What can you build with Python? 03:33
Project ideation strategies 07:32
Brainstorm your projects (worksheet) β€”
What’s next? β€”

2. Python Fundamentals

Lesson Duration
Getting started
Introduction - Biohack Investigation Project 01:34
How to install Python 00:25
Create and run your first Python program πŸŽ‰ 08:01
How Python program works 03:34
Useful terminologies 07:28
Jupyter Notebook & VSCode
Intro to Jupyter Notebook 05:20
Intro to Visual Studio Code 06:18
Working with Jupyter notebooks in VSCode 06:25
Biohack investigation - Level 1
Getting started - Variables 04:05
πŸ’¬ 5-minute quizzes β€”
Printing case information - Print(), input() functions 05:11
Overview of built-in data types 05:33
Integer, string types 05:17
Float, boolean types 01:25
Suspect’s profile: List and Dictionary 07:44
Gathering evidence: Set and Frozenset 04:30
How to get help on data types 07:28
What’s up with suspect’s name: String operations 04:00
Finding top targets: List slicing 05:06
Target locations are changing: List unpacking and manipulation 10:56
Mysterious DNA sequences: List comprehensions 09:15
Understanding suspect’s profile: Dictionary operations 07:27
New evidence found: Set operations 02:58
πŸ’¬ 5-minute quizzes β€”
Biohack investigation - Level 2
Operators 07:31
Checking suspect’s age: Conditional statements 09:00
Cracking secret password: Loops 11:06
Saving time using Break and Continue statements β€”
πŸ’¬ 5-minute quizzes β€”
Decoding secret messages: Functions 12:21
Local vs. global variable scope 03:06
Object-oriented programming 10:27
Biohack Investigation Blueprint ⭐ 08:15
πŸ’¬ 5-minute quizzes β€”
Packages and modules
What are packages and modules, exactly? 03:44
Install and import Python packages 08:25
Understanding namespaces - A quick explanation β€”
Create your own local Python packages 04:30

3. Machine Learning & AI Crash Course

Lesson Duration
Introduction to Machine Learning
An introduction to Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI 10:27
How Machine Learning works: An example 06:30
Three Machine Learning paradigms 12:26
Algorithms, models, parameters & hyperparameters 12:07
[Exercise] Coding a KNN model from scratch vs. Sklearn 25:11
Building blocks of Supervised Learning (1): Loss functions & Optimization methods 08:06
Building blocks of Supervised Learning (2): Model selection & Evaluation metrics 10:42
πŸ“‘ Evaluation metrics in Machine Learning β€”
Machine learning model development pipeline 05:52
What is model deployment? 03:58
πŸ“‘ Model drift and Model monitoring β€”
Fundamentals of Deep Learning & NLP
Introduction 01:29
Neural networks - Intuition & Forward propagation 11:38
Neural networks - Back propagation & Gradient descent algorithm 17:51
What is Natural Language Processing? 06:30
Understanding text embeddings 20:13
Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs)
Generative AI technology and LLMs 05:22
Generative foundation models 05:13
What goes into developing an LLM? 06:55
Applications of LLMs: Prompting, RAG, finetuning, and pre-training 12:44
[Exercise] Interacting with LLMs: Local models vs APIs 04:09
[Project] Creating a simple reputation monitoring app with Streamlit + OpenAI LLM 05:16
[Project] Deploying reputation monitoring app to Streamlit Community Cloud 11:03
[Project] Deploying reputation monitoring app using Docker 06:46
πŸ… Project Challenge: Building a Python application with prompt-based approach with LLMs β€”
Deep Dive into Prompting with LLMs
Basic prompting tactics and techniques 14:21
πŸ“‘ Advanced prompting techniques β€”
πŸ“‘ Additional prompting guides & Resources β€”
Deep Dive into Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)
RAG architecture overview 06:49
πŸ“‘ More on vector databases β€”
[Project] Building a PDF Q&A tool (coming soon)
Advanced RAG techniques (coming soon)
Deep Dive into Agents
What are agents? (coming soon)
Popular agent frameworks in Python (coming soon)
[Project] Building and deploying an LLM agent (coming soon)

4. AI Tools for Projects

Lesson Duration
Why we should use AI tools 01:23
General purpose AI tools and coding assistants
Improving your workflow with general-purpose AI tools 11:16
Boosting productivity with coding assistants: GitHub Copilot, Cursor, Codeium 06:56

5. Complete Project System

Lesson Duration
What will we learn here? - Introduction 01:08
Command line basics
Basics of working with command line 16:01
Git version control
Introduction to Git 04:12
Basic components of version control with Git 14:42
πŸ’¬ Let's have a quiz! β€”
πŸ“‘ Git best practices & Tips β€”
A common collaborative workflow using GitHub (coming soon)
Managing environments
Create and manage Python virtual environments (coming soon)
Hiding secrets (coming soon)
Other tips
Automatic code formatting (coming soon)
Code debugging in VS Code (coming soon)
Sharing your projects on social (coming soon)
Portfolio project checklist (PDF)

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