Looking for some funding opportunities? Have a project, business, or group that needs some grants? Check out these resources


This page is intended as a community resource for various funding opportunities. Please consider contributing to this resource. If you are interested in other environmental opportunities, please visit my other site: www.yournature.ca


This site is maintained by Kieran Wilkins. All information on this page is available as-is, with no guarantee for accuracy. Some information may be missing or out-of-date, but I do my best to keep it accurate. For inquiries, or to request removal of a resource please email [email protected]

How to use this resource

At the top of this page, you'll find a table of contents. You can scroll down to the "Grants" or "Fellowships" sections to start browsing. The information is stored in Notion, which organizes it in tables similar to Excel. You’ll see two tabs above the table: "By Tag" and "Full Table."

Filters and sorting options are located at the top right of the tables. You may need to hover over this area to reveal the options. Available filters include:

Recently Added


Contribute to this resource

Do you know of grants that are not on here yet? Why not fill out this short form to add it to this database.


Grants and Funding

Its basically free money.


Fellowships and Professional Development

Are you looking to advance your skills? Check out these great programs.


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