Readings: *VR Has A Harassment Problem, A Blueprint for Designing Inclusive AR/VR Experiences and the Designing Safe Spaces for Virtual Reality chapter of* ‘Ethics in Design and Communication.’
Write-Up: Find and try three social VR applications in the Oculus app store. Stress-test each to uncover and use their safety features. Write about every safety feature you can find (3+) and whether or not you think that they utilize Hedonomic design principles.
- [ ] Use proxemics to define virtual space
- [ ] Establish virtual behavior expectations
- [ ] Allow users to define their preferences in advance
- [ ] Allow people to easily opt in or out
- [ ] Provide quick-action remediation tools for tough situations
- Trust Rank: an indicator of how much time a user has spent in VRChat, how much content they’ve contributed, the friends they’ve made, and many other factors.
- The user can edit these settings based on a users trust level:
- Voice — Mutes or unmutes a user’s microphone (voice chat)
- Avatar — Hides or shows a user’s avatar as well as all avatar features. When an avatar is hidden, it shows a “muted” avatar
- User Icon — Controls user icon visibility for this Trust Rank. When an icon is hidden, it is "censored" with a mosaic effect.
- Avatar Audio — Enables or disables sound effects from a user’s avatar (not their microphone)
- Animations — Enables or disables custom animations on a user’s avatar
- Shaders — When disabled, all shaders on a user’s avatar are reverted to Standard. The behavior behind the Shader blocking system is detailed on our Shader Blocking System doc page
- Particles and Lights — Enables or disables particle systems on a user’s avatar, as well as any light sources. This will also block Line and Trail Renderer components.
💡 VRChat is one that I personally used before this assignment and was the only social app experience I had for the longest. When I entered the space I was confused as to what was going on. The transition between setup and entering the space was quite sudden.
- [ ] Use proxemics to define virtual space
- [x] Establish virtual behavior expectations
- [x] Allow users to define their preferences in advance
- [x] Allow people to easily opt in or out
- [x] Provide quick-action remediation tools for tough situations
- [Personal space bubble]- Every player has their own personal space bubble they can configure. As players enter your personal space bubble they become fully invisible.
- [Stop gesture] - A quick 'talk to the hand' gesture you can perform on another player that provides options for muting, blocking, reporting, and vote kicking.
- [Mute and Mute all voice audio] - Choose between muting individual players or all voice audio.
- [Block] - You may block individual players, automatically muting them and preventing them from joining your custom rooms.
- [Vote kick] - You may issue a room-wide vote kick where other players will vote to decide if the player is kicked from the room.
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