
With the market slowdown, take the time to read about some of the artists and thinkers who built the space, such as Moxarra (OG Mexican artist), Sam Hart (curator and blockchain conceptualist) and Christiane Paul (curator at the Whitney Museum).

Do electric memes dream of JPEGS?: an interview with Moxarra Gonzalez - SuperRare Magazine


Right Click Radio


Frances Liddell considers how cultural institutions can engage in meaningful ways with NFTs and blockchain technology.

NFTs and the Digital Democratization of Museums

A little promo placement for the amazing program for arts and culture institution we co-host with We Are Museums and Tezos, WAC (Web3 for Arts and Culture) and all the resources published on the site, alongside weekly discussions on Wednesdays at 12pm EST open to all.

Join the discussion here.

WAC Resources

The consequences of the cryptocurrency crash will hurt a lot of projects with no long-term vision, starting with The Kiss by The Belvedere Museum.

Thousands of NFTs bought by art lovers now virtually worthless


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