<aside> 👀 Devcon VI Highlights Upcoming Events Worth Going To Other News in Crypto Art


Devcon VI Highlights

Last week was Devcon VI, the annual Ethereum Mecca, hosted this year in Bogota. The main feeling was joyful, after a successful Merge and the first IRL reunion since Devcon Osaka in 2019. Three years without Devcon was a long time to wait! It was a packed week, full of side events such as Shelling Point by Gitcoin and ETHLATAM.


A few keywords that were the highlights of the week:

Public Goods, The Regen Economy, Plurality, Zero Knowledge, Layer 2 solutions

My selection of Devcon Talks:

Fanny’s playlist from Devcon VI

Evening Parties

As I am a grandma, I cannot tell you about the myriad of parties like Delirio, Ensueno, and happy hours. Wrong person to ask as my nickname is “crypto grandma in Bogota”. So except the Chiva Lounge at the venue organized by ETHMusicians with my friends, Matteo Tambussi, Jonathan Mann and the amazing IX Shells among others + a traditional game of [Tejo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tejo_(sport)#:~:text=Tejo (Spanish pronunciation%3A [ˈte,gunpowder%2C which explode on impact.) I attended, that’s it.

Upcoming Events Worth Going To

<aside> 👀 The Historic NFT Fest hosted by DADA is just around the corner in Barcelona, October 28-30. Tickets are now live. Fanny Lakoubay, our founder will be there!


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