Lag Prevention
Alternate Accounts
Illegal Content
Voice Chat
Community Requirements
Shopping District
Nether Hub
🚨 LAST UPDATED: 19 January 2025

- This is a mature server and jokes are welcome. However, do not flame, disrespect, harass, or post/say any inappropriate content. There is a fine line between "goofing around" or "banter" with other players. As soon as it falls under this rule, it is no longer banter.
- Any form of hate speech, bigotry language, anti-Semitism, or harassment towards any group/identity is never welcome.
- This server is not a space for you to discuss any world events or to discuss politics.
- Links to the following social media platforms are banned: X, TikTok and Meta platforms. We will not punish people who post these links, only have them deleted. Whilst we will not remove/stop people from posting screenshots from these platforms, we would prefer our community to find alternative sources and post that in its place.
- All signs, books and instructions must be followed in public spaces. This includes but is not limited to: shops, public farms, utilities, players bases, and games.
- If you are live streaming or recording any Dominion server (twitch, discord, or otherwise), you must use the
command to alert all online players of your status.
- Dominion is a space for players to enjoy themselves and engaging with the rest of the community. Persistent negativity or unfriendly behavior towards other players will be considered "skirting" this rule, and will be addressed as a violation of our golden rule, possibly resulting in punitive action.

- You cannot destroy or modify any blocks with an area owned by another player without their permission inclusive of their builds and naturally generated terrain. This also includes the immediate 100 block area around where they are building in a cylindrical radius at all Y levels.
- You cannot steal from other players.
- You may not place traps that can intentionally harm or kill another player.
- While togglable PvP is enabled on Dominion, you still require explicit and full consent to kill another player. Having PvP enabled does not equal consent to kill.
- By killing a player, whether intentional or not, you are responsible for any and all losses the player encounters
- You cannot circumvent the PvP toggle and attempt to harm or kill another player through methods such as explosions or other means.
- Pranking is not allowed. If you have a close group of friends who like to mess with each other, that is fine. However, as soon as any behavior is reported to a staff member, it will be treated equally under this rule as any other type of griefing would be.
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