<aside> ℹ️ Hey there, thanks for looking at our Objectives and Key Results! Below you’ll find the OKRs we work from. If you’d like to best understand these, we recommend reviewing the model. These are meant to be ambitious and difficult to achieve in the time allotted, completing ~50-70% of the total work is considered successful in this model and we often take on work we know will span multiple tertiles. We also align our efforts to the 'Orbits' model which is further described here.


<aside> 🕰️ Looking for previous quarters? Browse to ‘Recaps and Reports’ and you can find links to blog posts and/or board decks that cover our OKRs and results.


🎯 Stacks Foundation OKRs, Q3 2022

Key Objectives

🖱️ Scroll down to see the full list of work ongoing in each area

(A) Set the stage for a successful Stacks 2.1 upgrade

(B) Ensure ****250 Community Leaders (Orbit 1) are operating in the Stacks Ecosystem

(C) 120 total Companies built on Stacks

(D) 300 total Stacks Developers

💯 Background on our OKR numbers


First, see the written summary on our blog. Next, you can go item by item to learn where each of these ended up after a quarter, including specific numbers, commentary around any pivots or adjustments, and notes about what work will continue.

⬅️ scroll left and right over the table to see all the details ➡️

(A) Successful 2.1 Upgrade, Governance Progression (Published)

(B) 250 New Community Leaders (Published)

(C) 120 Companies Built on Stacks (Published)

(D) 300 Clarity Devs (Published)

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