Become a template creator

Have you built an amazing set-up to share? Publish and sell your templates on Notion’s Marketplace.

It's easy to get started

Share your creations.

Crafted the perfect setup? Let the community give it a try.

Start a side hustle.

Earn some money on the side with paid templates.

Grow a business.

Use your expertise to create a name for yourself.

All the tools you need to grow

Manage payments right in Notion

Access your funds in Notion. No need to use another platform.

Get feedback from customers

See ratings and reviews on all your templates.

Stay up-to-date with analytics

Track visitors to your page, template duplications, and the money you’ve made.

Automated emails

Let housekeeping emails take care of themselves.

Reach your customers

Send tips, updates, and news via email.

Custom coupon codes

[Coming Soon] Run discounts to expand your reach.

On a platform trusted by millions

Guaranteed refunds

All templates can be refunded within 14 days for peace of mind. We’ll remove them from the customer’s workspace.

Template protection

With access locking, we restrict sharing templates across workspaces to protect your creation against copycats and unfair re-distribution.

New to this? We've got you

What our community is saying

Marketplace is a great place to start – everything is done for you. You just have to upload templates, set the product page and that's it.

Lou AttalNotion Creator & Consultant

A template can be truly a piece of software, and you can think of Notion as the starting point, like an operating system.

Thomas FrankNotion Creator & YouTuber

I completely changed career paths because of this. I found something I'm really passionate about and something that I'm good at.

Chloe Forbes-KindlenNotion Creator & Consultant
Questions & answers

What is Marketplace?

Marketplace is a place for Notion users to discover templates and get inspired by what’s possible in Notion. Templates in Marketplace are made by Notion’s community of experts, designers, and people just like you.

What is a template?

A template is a pre-designed page (or set of pages) that Notion users can duplicate and customize for their own workflows and needs.

Who can list and sell templates on Marketplace?

Anyone can create a template and list it on Marketplace! All templates are reviewed by the Notion team before they are officially listed in Marketplace.

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