<aside> 💡 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 global goals set by 193 countries in 2015 that aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030 through environmental protection, economic growth, gender equality, peace, human rights and health


Go Green is an initiative that aims to encourage students and teachers to go green. It is also a way for us to reduce our carbon footprint and promote sustainable development within our campus community.

Opportunity for the entire community

Go Green is an opportunity for the entire community to learn about sustainable development and play an active role in its implementation. The project will have its own Green Development Plan, which will provide a general outline for the activities that will be undertaken by all stakeholders involved in the project. The plan will also set out guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of all activities related to its implementation.

This programme will help us achieve various SDGs such as Goal 1 - NO POVERTY, Goal 2- Zero Hunger; Goal 3- Good health and well being; Goal 4 – Quality Education; Goal 5 – Gender Equality; Goal 6 – Life on Land; Goal 7 – Clean Water and Sanitation; Goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production; Goal 15 – Life Below Water; Goal 17 – Climate Action; Goal 20 -Zero Hunger


<aside> 💡 The Go Green Sustainable Development Goals project is committed to creating long-term revenue streams and sustainable sources of income for project stakeholders in the Go Green school greening project. and adjacent communities in the townships. The project empowers students by creating social entrepresizes around the project programs.


This is achieved by empowering students and teachers in schools to plant trees and maintain them on their own. As a result, the school greening program will not only help improve the learning environment, but also generate income for the school. In addition, the project will empower students by creating social entrepresizes around the project programs.

SDG 2 Zero Hunger

<aside> 💡 The Go Green Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2 Zero Hunger project will provide school lunches to children who would otherwise go without. The project will be an important source of nutrition for the children, but it will also provide a model for sustainable food production in the community.


The Go Green Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2 Zero Hunger project began with an idea: create an organization that could provide healthy meals at affordable rates while also helping families learn more about sustainable agricultural practices and environmental stewardship through hands-on experience. Part of the zero hunger campaign, we have supportive skills development in food security through Job creation and entrepreneurship development.

SDG 3 Good health and well being

<aside> 💡 Our school greening project, Go Green, aims to develop a sustainable future for our children. We believe that a healthy mind and body is essential for holistic development.


Our active educational approach is designed to stimulate physical activity through various interactive programs by our permaculture partners. We also cover nutrition and how our food choices impact on our environment.

Our aim is to create a space where students are encouraged to explore their creativity and individuality through art, music, dance and drama. We will work with our partners in the field of arts and culture who will help us plan activities that stimulate both body and mind.

Our nutrition and wellbeing partners will be working with us to ensure that students are educated about how their health affects the environment and vice versa. This approach will help students understand the importance of good health and well-being as well as being environmentally conscious citizens who can make positive changes in society .

Students will be able to experience the benefits of living a healthy, environmentally conscious lifestyle by taking part in our various programs such as permaculture gardens and organic farming activities. This will give them an opportunity to learn about sustainability and how it can be incorporated into everyday life.

We hope this approach will encourage students to appreciate the importance of education as well as creating awareness about environmental issues. and their own lives.

SDG 4 - Quality Education

<aside> 💡 The Go Green project is a practical way for students to apply their academic knowledge into real life situations; it is also a way for students to be aware of how their actions affect the environment around them. It involves students working together as a team in order to implement a sustainable solution for their school campus.


The Go Green Sustainable Development Goals program is designed to help students learn about the environment by having them participate in hands-on activities that will be implemented on school grounds.

This project will bring education to life as it serves as a practical platform for learning, where the theoretical content taught in the classroom can be applied to practical solution based activities. It also provides an opportunity for students to learn about their environment and how they can contribute positively towards its preservation.

SDG 5 - Clean Water and Sanitation

<aside> 💡 Through the combined efforts of our school greening project, stakeholders will demonstrate solutions to water treatement using natural resources which will be used to treate and filtrate water on site for irrigation and fish cultivation.


The stakeholders will also seek to provide clean potable water for drinking, cooking and washing purposes.

The system will treat and filter water on site for irrigation and fish cultivation. This will reduce the amount of water needed to be transported from other sources, and it will also help us become more self-sufficient.

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