Content search

content search
In this Article

With content search, workspace owners can now get a bird’s eye view of all workspace content and help resolve page access issues more easily 🔎

  1. As a workspace owner, you can select Settings in the sidebar and then scroll to Content search.

  2. You’ll see a search bar with different filtering options. Search for a page by entering either the it's title, ID, or page content.

You’ll also see:

Workspace owners can also export this data as a .csv file.

Note: The Audience column will always list the most permissive group. If a page is shared with another team member, but also shared externally, the audience will read: Shared externally.

There might be some cases where, as an admin, you need un-publish or revoke permissions. Try using the Audience or Shared with filters to find pages that might be inappropriately shared. As a workspace owner, you can also change access to a restricted page.

  1. Click the ••• menu to the right of any page title, or while on a restricted page.

  2. Select Change permissions.

  3. Change access as needed.

Note: Using this feature may provide workspace owners with access to the personal data of workspace members and guests. Please consult with your own legal counsel to obtain advice regarding privacy and data protection laws.

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