Enterprise connection settings

HC: Enterprise Connection Settings
In this Article

Enterprise connection settings empower workspace owners with granular control. Manage member access, approve connections, and streamline your Notion workspace's integration ecosystem — all from one centralized dashboard.

If your workspace is using an Enterprise Plan, workspace owners will have access to additional settings for managing connections within the workspace.

  1. If you're a workspace owner, go to Settings → Connections.

  2. Under the Member tab, you'll see the option to Restrict members from adding connections. Click the dropdown to the right to access two options:

    • No restrictions: All workspace members can install any connection in the workspace.

    • Only from approved list: Workspace members can only install connections pre-approved by a workspace owner. If a workspace owner installs an integration that isn’t already on the approved list, it’ll automatically be added to the approved list afterwards.

Auto-approve connections built by Notion

Approved connections list

  1. Click the + Add approved connection button to approve additional connections for members in your workspace.

    Note: Before you can approve a connection for the rest of your workspace, you or another admin will have to install it first! Only connections already installed in the workspace will show up in the + Approved connection dropdown.

    Instructions for installing connections are specified below.

  2. Under the Approved connections heading, workspace owners will see a full list of connections that have been approved and installed in the workspace.

  3. To the right of each connection's name, the name(s) of the users who have installed the connection in the workspace are listed.

  4. Click the ••• menu to:

    • Filter by user.

    • Revoke specific users' access to a connection.

    • Disconnect all users.

    • Remove the connection from the approved list.

Workspace owners on an Enterprise Plan can also disable the Send webhook action for your entire workspace. Learn more about webhook actions here →

To turn off webhook actions for your workspace:

  1. Go to Settings in your sidebar.

  2. Open the Connections tab.

  3. Toggle off Allow webhooks in automations.

Once you’ve turned this feature off, members of your workspace won’t be able to select Send webhook as an action for any automations they set up.

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