Notion AI connector for Slack

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In this Article

Learn how to connect your Slack workspace to your Notion workspace so that you can find quick answers in Notion using information from your Slack conversations 💬

Note: While Notion AI connectors are available at no additional cost to existing Notion AI users on paid plans at this time, pricing is subject to change.

There are lots of other ways to use Slack and Notion together. Learn more about our Slack integration here →

To connect Slack to Notion AI:

  • To connect Slack to Notion AI, you must be a Slack workspace admin and a Notion workspace owner.

  • If you’re a Notion workspace owner but not also approved to connect external apps to Slack, you’ll need approval from someone who has the appropriate Slack permissions to complete the connection.

  • You must be on a paid Notion plan, and your workspace must have more than one member.

  • You must have the Notion AI add-on.

To connect your Slack workspace to Notion AI:

  1. In Notion, open Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and click on •••Connect Slack. You can also go to SettingsConnectionsWorkspace and click Connect under Slack. You'll be taken to Slack. Don't close Notion during the setup process!

  2. Select Public conversations.

  3. If you’re a Slack workspace admin, you’ll be able to select the Slack workspace and channels you want to connect. You can select All public channels or specific public channels. You also have the option to include public channels created in the future. This won’t include public channels containing external users, like Slack Connect channels. You also won’t be able to connect any private channels or private DMs.

    • If you’re not a Slack workspace admin, you can request this integration. Your Slack workspace admin or approved Slack members will be notified. Once your request is approved, you can choose the Slack channels you want to connect. Make sure you’re requesting the integration for the right Notion workspace!

  4. Once Notion AI has joined those public channels, depending on how your Slack admin has set up your workspace settings, a message will be sent in those public channels to say Notion AI has joined them and will join all future public channels. This message won’t show up in Slack channels with external users.

Once the integration is set up, it will be able to find messages going back a year from when the setup is complete. For example, if you connect Slack with Notion AI on June 1, 2024, Notion AI will be able to find information from messages in Slack sent on June 1, 2023 and later.

This process can take up to 36 hours. You’ll see this communicated in your Notion AI chat, and the message will disappear when the integration is complete.

When you connect Slack to Notion AI, you have the option to select specific public Slack channels you’d like to connect. Alternatively, you can choose to connect all public channels, including ones that are created in the future.

These public channels will not include any Slack Connect channels that you use to communicate with external partners.

At this time, you also can’t connect private Slack DMs and private Slack channels to Notion AI.

Who can connect Slack to Notion AI?

To connect Slack to Notion AI:

  • You must be a Slack workspace admin and a Notion workspace owner.

  • If you’re a Notion workspace owner but not also approved to connect external apps to Slack, you’ll need approval from someone who has the appropriate Slack permissions to complete the connection.

  • You must be on a paid Notion plan, and your workspace must have more than one member.

Do you support Slack Enterprise Grid?

Yes, we do! Please reach out to your sales representative to get started.

How long does it take for the integration to complete for public channels?

Once the integration is set up, it will be able to find messages going back a year from when the setup is complete. For example, if you connect Slack with Notion AI on June 1, 2024, Notion AI will be able to find information from messages in Slack sent on June 1, 2023 and later. Depending on the amount of content shared in your public channels during this time frame, this process can take up to 36 hours.

How long does it take for Notion AI to read new Slack messages?

New messages in public channels may take 30 minutes to be searchable by Notion AI.

Can I limit the scope of my search to only Slack or only Notion?

Yes! In the Notion AI entry point, click Find in to toggle between Everything you can access, Notion, and Slack.

If I connect Slack to Notion AI, does Notion AI automatically begin searching all of my Slack channels?

No. Notion AI only searches public Slack channels, and during initial setup, our configuration options allow you to choose either a discrete set of public channels or all public channels in your workspace to be included. Additionally, you have the option to continuously include all public channels that are created after initial setup. This configuration requires approvals via the Notion workspace owner and the Slack admin.

Who can access Slack content using Notion AI?

Individuals who are both a Slack and a Notion workspace member can use this integration. Notion AI maps Slack members to Notion members, so individuals must be authenticated at the user level for its use. Through account mapping and real-time event subscriptions, Notion conducts ongoing checks for changes to permissions and access levels that would impact the Slack content surfaced in Notion AI for each individual. This integration is not available for guests in your Notion workspace, or guests in your Slack workspace (like people external to your organization that you may communicate with using Slack Connect).

Here are a few examples of permissions-related scenarios that Notion proactively checks and updates for:

  • When users edit or delete a message in Slack, Notion AI monitors for modified or deleted content via webhooks and will reflect these updates in near real-time.

  • Slack or Notion guest users are not allowed to leverage Notion AI at all. In the case where a guest user is given full Slack workspace member and full Notion workspace member permissions, Notion AI monitor for membership changes and updates those permissions changes in near-real time.

  • When a user is deactivated in Slack, Notion AI monitors permissions and updates that permission change within approximately 30 minutes.

I have Slack Connect channels set up with external users. Will these channels be indexed?

No. All external messages and channels will be excluded.

How does Notion store or reference my Slack data in its systems?

Slack content is stored as embeddings using vector databases like Turbopuffer. These embeddings allow for efficient searches and comparisons across different pieces of text to provide accurate and relevant responses to your questions.

Notion’s vector databases have been vetted by our Security team as well as by an external auditor to obtain their SOC2 Type II certification. See this article for more information.

How much of my Slack data will be ingested for Notion AI?

Once the integration is set up, it will be able to find messages going back a year from when the setup is complete. For example, if you connect Slack with Notion AI on June 1, 2024, Notion AI will be able to find information from messages in Slack sent on June 1, 2023 and later. The feature will also continue to ingest any new messages added to your Slack environment (in either your selected channels or all public channels) after initial configuration to be used for responses to search queries.

I connected the wrong Notion workspace. How can I disconnect my Slack workspace from Notion?

To disconnect your Slack workspace, open Notion AI at the bottom of your screen and click on •••Connect SlackSettingsDisconnect.

What happens to my Slack data if I connect to Notion AI and then decide to disconnect?

Notion treats your Slack content with the privacy principle of data minimization in mind. If you decide to disconnect your Slack environment from Notion AI, your Slack content will immediately become unsearchable, and your Slack data used for Notion AI will be deleted in less than one day from when the request is made.

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