Understanding block usage

What is a block - hero
In this Article

Learn more about block usage depending on your plan and how many people are in your workspace 🟨

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In Notion, the pages you create can contain much more than plain text. Every page you create can be composed of many blocks — from lines of text to table rows, images, videos, and more. Every piece of content you add is counted as a new block. Learn more about blocks here →

Restrictions on block usage apply to workspaces that are on the Free Plan and have more than one workspace owner.*


Workspace size

Block usage


1 workspace owner only



2+ workspace owners*

1,000 blocks per workspace. After this, your workspace will need to upgrade to a paid Notion plan in order to continue creating content.

Plus, Business, Enterprise

1+ workspace owners and/or members


*People added to workspaces on a Free Plan can only join as workspace owners.

We count blocks based on the amount of content created in your workspace since signing up — deleting blocks, or emptying the trash, will not reduce your block count.

If you find yourself approaching 1,000 blocks in your workspace, it might be worth considering an upgrade to a paid plan. Paid plans offer unlimited blocks and additional features for teams collaborating in Notion. Visit our pricing page for more details.


Can I delete blocks to avoid these restrictions?

No, deleting content does not reduce your block count or free up additional blocks. Once your workspace has created 1,000 blocks, it will experience restrictions — regardless of subsequent deletions.

If I’m subject to these restrictions, what happens to my existing content?

You can continue to edit existing content even if your workspace has hit 1,000 blocks.

How can I check how many blocks I've used?

You can see how many blocks you’ve used by going to SettingsUpgrade plan. You’ll also see a notification in your workspace’s sidebar when you’ve used a majority of your blocks so you can plan ahead.

How can I check if I have other members or workspace owners in my workspace?

You can confirm if your workspace has multiple workspace owners by going to SettingsPeople. Having more than one workspace owner will subject the workspace to block usage restrictions.

Can I archive my teamspaces to avoid block usage restrictions?

No. Teamspaces are not considered blocks, so they don’t count towards block usage.

What if I need more time to figure out if I want to or can upgrade to a paid plan?

Don’t worry! We automatically offer a three-day grace period when your workspace hits 1,000 blocks to help you figure out the right next step.

What are my options if I don't want to upgrade to a paid plan?

If you prefer not to upgrade at this time, you can remove additional members from your workspace so that your workspace has only one member. Workspaces with only one member have access to unlimited blocks. You can add collaborators as guests to continue working with these users in a more limited capacity.

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